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If you are at an increased risk for dental erosion or other forms of tooth decay, it means that your teeth are vulnerable to tooth enamel wear. In order to protect your smile, it is important to make sure that you’re eating a healthy diet and cleaning your mouth as needed. In addition, it may be helpful to have a preventative treatment in place such as dental sealants to add an additional layer of protection.

If you require an additional oral health enhancement, it normally is because your teeth are vulnerable to dental erosion. Even with the best oral health care treatments and healthy lifestyle habits, there may be an aspect of your life that is causing dental erosion to occur. Whether it be your diet, or something else, it may be needed to add an additional layer of protection in the form of a dental sealant. Dental sealants consist of thin coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of teeth to protect teeth from further tooth decay.

Dental sealants go on clear, so they will not change the natural appearance of your smile. Due to the added benefits of keeping your teeth shining, they can allow your dentist to see if any damage is occurring underneath. Furthermore, they can help prevent tooth decay by as much as 80%. In addition, they are safe and effective for children, and studies done by the Center for Disease Control have demonstrated that sealants placed on teeth will make them 3 times less likely to develop symptoms and signs of cavities. Furthermore, they can be applied at a very young age, including as soon as molars are growing on children, which is typically around the age of 6.

Is your smile in line for a makeover courtesy of dental sealants? Visit Carolyn L. Yu, DDS today for dental sealants to take your oral health to a new standard of greatness. We can be reached by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Carolyn Yu and our team at our dentist office in Pinole, California by calling us at 510.974.2147.